PULSE - Arson
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Arson Vremea

Designer & Illustrator

Arson Vremea is a spunky Illustration student with a passion for creative writing. In their illustrative practice Arson focuses on editorial illustration. While their main medium of choice is digital illustration, they have experience in various mediums and disciplines. Arson hopes to bring a different perspective of a visual artist, and create a unique look for the Pulse journal that would compliment the outstanding pieces within it.


Any reflections on your time with PULSE?

"One of the biggest things I’ve learned is how to be a proper illustrator working for a team. While I am very technically skilled in illustration, it is not worth much if I cannot properly communicate that to people who aren’t. The communication issues arose from me not being used to working with people who don’t get the illustration lingo and how design is made. I think it’s on me to explain to my clients how I work and all of this terminology that they have never encountered before. This knowledge is going to aid me in my journey as an illustrator for as long as I am one. I’m glad I learned it in this educational and forgiving environment now rather than later when the stakes will be way higher.”

Any social media we can follow?

Instagram: @the_fabulous_satan_owo