PULSE - Claire
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Claire Diamant

Managing Editor

Claire is a writer, actress, and third year Creative Writing student. After doing two years at McGill for History, she transferred to OCAD where she has been able to moderate open mics, participate in the Toronto Authors Festival, and have her work featured in numerous journals. Her dream is to be an author and to be able to spell simultaneously without text-to-speech.


Any reflections on your time with PULSE?

“In the first meeting, before I started taking weekly meeting minutes, I wrote a few notes down in my journal. “I’m excited,” I wrote in small letters at the bottom of the last page. “This seems like a really great group of people to work with.” I stand by that assertion. Because of this field placement, I was given the opportunity to get to know my classmates better, to see how amazing they were.”

Any social media we can follow?

Instagram: @clairesdiamant