PULSE - Nick
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Nick Pico


Nick is a third year Creative Writing Major at OCAD U. He is well versed in the four genres; his work focuses around horror-fantasy short fiction, transgressive non-fiction, screenwriting, and prose-poetry.


Any reflections on your time with PULSE?

“I must say PULSE was a great experience; being on the other side of the editorial process is definitely eye opening. This field placement provided me with a keen insight on the publishing process, down from the individual labours of each position to the collective work of an editorial board. Though this experience was amazing it was not without hardship, without a team that worked so vigorously and passionately toward a single focused goal this—the publication of the 2nd edition of the PULSE annual journal, both digital and print—would not be possible.”

Any social media we can follow?

Instagram: @nick.andrew