PULSE - Roxane
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Roxane Taillefer

Proofreader & Formatter

Roxane is a second year Creative Writing student who thrives on acquiring and excelling new skills. After spending years exploring the world through her many travels as a flight attendant and a sea turtle conservationist, she went back to university to further her passion for the language-based arts. In her first year, she’s had the pleasure of working with Anèl·lides to put together a children's educational E-book titled The Underwater Paradise.


Any reflections on your time with PULSE?

“PULSE is a product of collaboration, sacrifice, decision making, dedication. It’s a stroll through the works of our talented writers fused with months of editorial preparation. I never expected the amount of work that goes into putting together a literary journal. Each step of the process is crucial to its production, each editorial member plays a valuable role. I was appointed the formatter/proof-reader role and am especially proud of the formatting job I did. I don’t think anyone would ever suspect it was my first time doing it. As a formatter, I really did my best to visually match the original pieces to honor the authors’ artistic styles. It is beyond rewarding seeing it in print, seeing our baby come to life, thanks to ALL that were involved.”

Any social media we can follow?

Instagram: @roxane_taillefer